Well-being Focused Performance Coaching 

Managers -Entrepreneurs - Business Leaders

Integrate Well-being Habits With Professional Demands

Personal Development, performance coaching, leadership training all are very similar, lets break them down to help you find what you want/need.

Personal Development is about a person's desire to develop themselves, this can take three directions, Health & Fitness, Career & Personal Interest and Relationships.

Performance Coaching can take two directions, it can be about Workplace Progression or Exploring Physical Abilities.

Leadership Training is simply all about relationships, it’s People-focused first and System-focused second.

At Embrace Life UK we started to develop a schedule for physical-based performance coaching as our qualifications, experience and background hails in physical fitness , retail, hospitality and the military. Before the pandemic our aim was Strength and Conditioning in sports, during the pandemic we re-directed into nutrition for health to support recovery from chronic health conditions for personal reasons, (we are already pretty well versed in sports and performance-related nutrition) and this side of the pandemic we are focusing on the bigger picture of habits and behaviour which had been the glue for nutrition and fitness training/coaching/teaching to date for our clients both contracted NHS and private. We do not take on clients with chronic health conditions in replacement of medical care - we may take clients who are under good medical care with chronic conditions on a case-by case basis, we have learning but no qualification to step into that arena and your safety and well-being is paramount to your results.

All our learning and development requires skills and knowledge in psychology and behaviour change to support clients in creating their well-being health & fitness blueprints. Whilst we are not psychologists or therapists (yet) we have learned from people like you why you struggle to perform or stay well or at least the level of wellness you require, and through our professional lens we have found that leadership or relationship plays a vital role here. The biggest barrier to well-being or optimal physical performance is relationship and behaviour, these two things are the key to leadership along with self-awareness which is developed through relationship and behaviour. Everyone is a potential leader if they want to be. It is a skill of awareness and relationship that requires behaviour to become tangible we all see and experience.

Now following Maslow’s basic needs principals, studying habit, reading behaviour, understanding how personality is formed and how behaviour develops from some of the world's most effective behaviour change experts and therapeutic psychologists we look at helping our clients, people like you focus on the basic needs principals to build foundations for the habits required to stick to and ensure progressive performance across workplace leadership and management. These are all applied learning skills rooted in science and psychology. Things like reading body language is an art not a science. Whilst skilful it needs to be used with nuance alongside many other skills.

As coaches we facilitate change for you by sharing knowledge, expertise, asking questions and building a picture of you so that you can take the reins and understand what the changes you need look like on a daily basis to reach your goals if they are not doable we will help you find alternatives. Our background in nutrition and fitness gives us a unique insight in performance coaching and therefore you a unique helping hand in being able to optimise and control habits with greater ease and understanding than out counterpart performance coaches who do not have the experience or knowledge in these areas to give you that head start and awareness that otherwise you would struggle to learn.

If you want to experience a taste of what this looks like before diving in you are welcome to join the monthly online events here to experience how my knowledge can give you the leverage you may be looking for to either lead, perform, or just generally be healthier and have more all-round awareness in and out of work.

Our mailing list will be up and running in Spring 2024 - If you’re not ready to book a date join the mailing list here and stay informed of future events and opportunities to learn form and work with Embrace Life UK.

Personal Coaching

Online Coaching

Fitness & Well-being coaching at Embrace Life UK is the foundation for performance, self-awareness brings about awareness of others, this brings into play knowledge you have always had access to and never been able to see. Personal Development in health and fitness (excelling meeting 2 of our fundamental needs) opens your eyes and doors and will set a foundation for progression in other areas. And you don’t even have to do it for long to reap a lifetimes worth of benefits.

If you want to go it alone we have 2 books in our shop to help you self-coach and meet those important fundamental needs - plus you can always book ad-hoc coaching sessions with us for additonal support if you need it. No rolling contract!

Leadership training starts with understanding how meetng basic needs or not affects our stress, well-being, communication personlity and every-day behaviour, book on the end of month workshop here.