Optimised Well-being Habits

For Personal & Professional Development

Personal well-being, Personal development and Health Coaching.

You can coach yourself, you don’t need our help, the market place is now saturated with coaches in health, fitness, personal development and well-being, the amount of free resources or more cost-effective resources to support your journey is way beyond anything we could provide you with, so why would you first of all look for coaching in health and fitness or personal development and well-being? Why would you trust us to support you on your journey?

To answer this I am going to the experience of our clients over the last almost-decade and you can then decide for yourself if we are the coach you want, whether you want to go it alone or look for someone else.

  • Leanne came to me when I first qualified as a Personal Trainer in the gym we both attended and where I worked as Fitness Instructor, in fact she waited for me to qualify, I didn't know her before she asked about working with me. Leanne was concerned because a recent check up at the Doctors recommended that she made some lifestyle changes in order to improve her longer term health outcomes, she hated exercising, she hated the thought of turning up to the gym and just at that stage wanted someone who would make her feel safe. This I could empathise with, and I was setting myself up to work from a home gym as well as the local gym so we had the choice of resource which allowed for the right amount of privacy and encouragement for Leanne to start on a journey she was doing only for health reasons. We worked together for a couple of years, Leanne grew in confidence and was able to attend the gym alone and continue with her journey after our situation ended. At this stage I gave minimum advice on nutrition and stuck to advising on daily habits around getting movement in and exercise.

    I was never able to get Leanne to enjoy exercising but I was able to help her make choices around her lifestyle and increase her confidence around her habits and choices. This is also reality, Leanne never gained or lost weight with me more than marginally each way but she did gain strength, persistence, confidence, choice, and knowledge. I discovered she really enjoyed swimming, as a former competitive swimmer I was only too happy to transfer some of our sessions to the pool. Not all results are physical, some of the better results are within habit and mental and physical wellbeing. Her health improved as a result of our time together thanks to her commitment and my love for supporting people to feel how they want. Spring 2016- Spring 2017

  • Billy arranged a meeting with me after seeing one of my flyers locally, She has been an amazong on off client deidcated and curious which are markets for success. In her own words ‘Through Embrace Life, I received physical and mental coaching over a number of years which helped me to become more self aware and better positioned to tackle obstacles I faced in my day to day life, especially at work and within my personal relationships. For example the coaching in particular helped me to articulate what I wanted to express to my manager in my annual work appraisal, which is something I was struggling to do as I suffered from generalised anxiety. As a result of the coaching I received in this area, I now actually enjoy the appraisal process and it is nowhere near as daunting as it once was!

    I would like to add that when I began PT sessions with Sam a few years ago my only goal was to get physically fit through exercising and I thought I needed someone to teach me how to do just that and nothing more. I was very wrong! I had no idea at the time how important it was to also have a healthy mind and to put my mental wellbeing first before anything else. Sam was able to assist with most of my needs and where she felt she was unable to she was more than happy to refer me to another professional with my consent and I would therefore recommend her to anyone looking for a professional coach/trainer with knowledge and integrity. I know I am incredibly lucky to have had her to turn to in difficult times. Summer 2016 - Autumn 2023

As you can see we have progressed over the years learning what our client's needs, where they suffer and how to help them find the right support and tools to set their lifestyle long-term for continued success. I have enjoyed short-term specialised clients too on the personal training front but what I have come to appreciate as a coach that is useful to you is that I have learned, observed and researched why some people are successful and others aren’t and so we can help you goal set realistic expectations within realistic time frames to be able to pave the way toward your goals and desires. I have no idea what you want until we speak, the only thing I can have awareness of is that it is related to needing to move forward without coasting your health and well-being, my expertise in fitness, nutrition, habit and behaviour change can help you find the path that feels doable for you, more than makes you feel happy, in-control and supported.

Habit, desire and support are the main ingredients for success, coaching with us will help you locate what you need to do to keep these facets aligned. The journey is not going to be smooth sailing or perfect, but it is rewarding and everything you learn and gain is yours to keep, you can’t lose it!

We now have 2 Sessions per week available for personal coaching on an ad-hoc basis- move at your own pace!

You can focus on lowering overwhelming stressors, increasing positive changes with coaching can we can also mentor and coach you through nutrition and exercise if applicable.

More client reviews can be seen on our pinterest board here: Pinterest Reviews Board

FAQ’s answered

  • Coaching sessions are £120 for a 50 min session. For those who commit to a group of 6 or more sessions upfront support on Whatsapp is offered between sessions

  • All sessions are ad-hoc, pay as you go - We will give you tools to help you stay in line with your goals.

  • Your session content will initially be led by what comes up on your well-being audit which is a document you will receive upon purchasing your first session before sessions develop into fully integrating your habits with your goals & whatever else comes up in your life that comes out in a session. All coaching sessions will be led by you, we are more than experienced with changes to proposed content, if focus needs to be changed it is no problem for us, these are your sessions and we believe in a therapeutic and realistic approach.

  • Any tools you need to help you on your way will be provided by Embrace Life UK and guided in your coaching sessions.

  • Any client is more than welcome to bring their own material and previous coaching experience to us, where we have the expertise and experience to accommodate that we will as long as we come to an agreement together that continuance is better than a fresh start. Again that is the decision of the client, we simply offer critical thinking approach to support confirmation over bias.

  • Being coached is very different to taking specialised advice. Should something come up (which invariably does) that takes us in to a more nuanced or specialised area we will flag it ttogether and explore avenues to look into to help support specialised areas, we will use any information you choose to share with us to help you make informed choices and integrate as appropriate.

  • Recommendations to practioners outside Embrace Life UK are not covered by in coaching fees.