Health and Fitness Coaching

Helping you integrate your health and fitness habits with your lifestyle.

To coach you we use our three signature tools- these tools have been carefully designed help you get the fundamental knowledge and habits nailed.

The key to success is not sexy, it’s knowledge and habit, for both long and short term goals. The foundations are key!

Starting with getting to know you, your life and what you want we will complete a fundamentals audit which will allow us to pre-empt and plan for potential set-back so they don’t creep up and knock your confidence as we progress. The Well-being Toolkit will be the first tool we use.

Click the image to download the workbook and do this for yourself.

Nutrition Support

Many people struggle with filtering good information from popular information when it comes to navigating nutrition and fitness. Our nutrition fundamentals guide will help you to make choices and navigate nutrition and food information with ease as you build your confidence in building a nutrition plan that works for you now, and ca adapt as you adapt.

Click the image to download the workbook and do this for yourself. Join the mailing list below to get related content delivered to your inbox.


Exercise is for everyone, our final tool will be the exercise tool, this will show you how to build your own exercise programmes, measure your progress and stay confident no matter your preferred style. Starting with the basics we give you this download to work through and our coaching sessions can answer any queries you have as you build your own exercise program for the environment and style that you want.

Click the image to download the workbook and do this for yourself.


We have currently have one Session per week available for personal coaching on an ad-hoc basis. Move at your own pace! focus on general well-being, nutrition, and where applicable, exercise. All our sessions are currently run on Zoom we are open to a global audience. We do not currently offer physical training in these sessions- we can help build a physical exercise program for people who travel, want to train from home, or want to use the gym without subscribing to personal training sessions.

FAQ’s answered

Coaching sessions are £45 for a 50-60 min session.

  • All sessions are ad-hoc, pay as you go - We will give you tools to help you stay in line with your goals.

  • Your session content will initially be led by what comes up on your well-being audit which will be assessed through the Well-being Toolkit as shown above. from here we will look together at your current situation to see what is adaptable to better support your habits.

  • All coaching sessions will be led by you, we are more than experienced with changes to proposed content, if focus needs to be changed it is no problem for us, these are your sessions and we believe in a realistic, sustainable approach.

  • Any tools you need to help you on your way will be provided by Embrace Life UK and guided in your coaching sessions. We may find things that are out of our professional boundaries, in which case we will recommend options for further support.

  • Any client is more than welcome to bring their own material and previous coaching experience to us. Where we have the expertise and experience to accommodate that we will as long as we come to an agreement together that continuance is better than a fresh start. Again that is the decision of YOU- the client, we simply offer critical thinking approach to support confirmation of how we meet your needs in line with your health and fitness goals over bias of previous experience.

  • Being coached is very different to taking specialised advice. Should something come up (which invariably does) that takes us in to a more nuanced or specialised area we will flag it together and explore avenues to look into to help support specialised areas, we will use any information you choose to share with us to help you make informed choices and move forward as appropriate.

  • Recommendations to practioners outside Embrace Life UK are not covered by coaching fees, nor do we take endorsements, our recommendations remain neutral and in the best interests of our client.

  • You can see reviews on our home page or on our Pinterest board here: Pinterest Reviews Board

  • Can we help you achieve your Health and Fitness Goals?

  • Are we offering the support you want at a price that works for you?

  • Are you ready to get started?

Our clients with basic requirements around health and fitness coaching typically stay with us for approx 18-months- that would be your budget scope, sessions are ad-hoc there is no commitment needed. Your time with us will help you to curate the knowledge and experience you need to confidently move forward alone.

If your goals become more specialised we could support you transitioning to Personal Training with Trainers who are specialists in sports rather than trainers who typically just know the gym. Sports or type specific training varies from standard gym work.

If having a personal coach is way off target for you- the guides we use:

  • Food Made Easy

  • Exercise for Beginners and

  • The Well-being Toolkit

are available to buy from our shop- they are very easy to use to support you on coaching yourself through the basics.

  • Samantha did my gym induction in 2016 I was not good at going to the gym so I decided to employ Samantha as my Personal Trainer in the gym. I was really nervous at first but Samantha helped me gain confidence to attend the gym. Whilst working with Samantha I lost weight and she was always there to help with additional support in nutrition and listen to me. I would recommend Samantha to anyone looking for help.

  • I can’t recommend Sam enough. I’ve trained with her and attended her classes. Amazing at what she does and has knowledge and intelligence in so many areas. Great at what she does, as well as having so much passion for it. She helped me with my diet, I’ve had a complete lifestyle change for the better. She got me to being fairly unfit to firefighter fit. We worked on muscles I’ve not felt in years. She also stopped me having pains I felt.

    I’m fitter and more confident that I’ve ever been and I couldn’t have got this far without the help from Sam.

  • When I began PT sessions with Sam a few years ago my only go was to get physically fit through exercising- I thought I needed someone to teach me how to do that. I was very wrong! I didn’t realise how important it was to have a healthy mind and put my mental well-being first. Sam was able to assist me with most of my needs and where she felt she was unable she was happy to refer me to another professional with my consent. I would therefore recommend her to anyone looking for a professional coach/trainer with knowledge and integrity.

  • Samantha is so enthusiastic and dedicated, she was my personal trainer for 18-months a role in which she excelled. She supported me through a difficult time after major surgery, she knew when to push me and back off instinctively.

  • I had one-to-one’s with Sam plus attended her PIYO and Train To Run classes. Every time Sam has provided a fun and relaxed atmosphere to work in. I have come away feeling confident in the knowledge she has shared, and with a confidence I am able to achieve now and in the future. I highly recommend both classes and one-to-one to get tailored advice to your own body’s needs.

  • I can’t believe the difference in my strength and confidence in even a short time of working with Sam. Sam is great at motivating you and encouraging you push yourself and realise your own potential, which I’m learning is much more than I realised. Sam creates an environment where you feel very comfortable and able to ask questions, however silly they made seem. I highly recommend Sam as a PT, she finds your limit and pushes you slightly past it so you can grow and get stronger. I always leave the sessions feeling amazing and proud of what I have achieved. Thank you Sam!