Articles Covering 

Behaviour, Health & Well-being, Communication, Leadership

(personal and professional use)

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Why Workplace (employee) Well-being Is Important

Leadership, Communication and Well-being- Forget psychometrics, start with the basics! Communication baseline is measured from a point of relaxation or ease. To get an idea of a person psychometric testing should be done at baseline.

How do you know someone's baseline?

Employees matter

Leadership, Communication and Well-being- Forget psychometrics, start with the basics! Communication baseline is measured from a point of relaxation or ease. To get an idea of a person psychometric testing should be done at baseline.

How do you know someone's baseline?

Find out if they are living day to day from a point of survival and stress or from a point of ease, confidence and comfort!

Chronic stress may indicate a baseline re-order based on the person striving chronically to meet their basic needs (these are very different from the needs we need to meet to thrive). This foundation layer really sets a tone for potential, success and contentment. We can’t think about thriving until the foundations are stable.

A few questions to ask yourself to assess the stability of your foundations and therefore the possibility of you meeting your potential, being successful, finding contentment…

Do you notice your behaviour and language change when you are:

  • Tired

  • Worn down - static- too rigid in routine

  • Disconnected from friends, partner, family, colleagues

  • You struggle to meet cost of living i.e bills, rent/mortgage/food/clothing/toiletries

Explore your baseline with my free well-being audit- to see where your stress-levels are, and what behaviours maybe a clue to you to look to make small changes in your habits somewhere.

Low mood or morale seems common place in your professional culture- why is that?

Something as simple as lack of recovery or privacy affects both our well-being and behaviour? This is not my opinion or some trendy survey finding, this was first hypothesised by Maslow as seen on his basic-needs pyramid! Psychometric tests such as Enneagram, Myres-Briggs and Disc have a focus on shadow or negative elements of the personality thanks to the works of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud- these can be very useful tools when we are not stuck in survival mode. If we are however, chronically struggling to meet those basic needs then it will affect our well-being and behaviour which means psychometric testing is measuring our personality based on behavioural characteristics around meeting basic needs which rarely reflects our true potential or capabilities.

At the end of every month I hold a workshop to explore this is more detail to help you understand how you can become more effective as a manager or leader, and show you how to start developing awareness to really help well-being in the workplace become a profitable exercise- more than just a tick in a few boxes to keep up with legislation and sell the role.

Underestimating the role sleep plays in the workplace can be disastrous

There may be employees not sleeping which will affect the work culture. Ensuring well-being as priority can ensure your culture and company reputation stays positive.

Challenge: - Keep a sleep diary for 1 week - see what happens???

Mental Health benefits of sleep

  • Improved problem solving skills

  • Improved learning

  • Improved creativity

  • Increase in mental capacity which leads to better decision making and profit-making progress.

Part of structural organisation should be looking at contract changes- could you tailor a contract to meet both the needs of the employee whilst getting the most of their skill/time? is this better that a blanket contract? Longevity, trust, loyalty, culture are all a result of conversation and commitment by all parties.

Sleep doesn't just affect performance in the short term, it can affect people's overall health and well-being in the long term,

We all underestimate the prolonged impact of chronic lack of sleep, we look for solutions to get well in Employee Assistance Programme’s (EAP's) and other benefit packages- what if the benefit package focused on preventing and catching decline? rather than being a re-active tool? how would this contribute to profit and growth options? In my experience EAP’s are still more reactionary strategies rather than productive ones. They are a nice to have rather than seen as an integral part of strategy.

Physical rest is not the same as sleep or active rest, it is important for well-being, stabalising stress and helping us be aware of how we are communicating with people in work. People who do not take active rest are more prone to stress, stress related issues and making bad decisions based on short-term thinking!

What is active rest? - The planned intention to do nothing with the aim of giving the brain and body the recovery time it needs.

  • If you want to test this theory, consider making a medium-long term decision when you feel are your most vulnerable, how does that look/feel?

  • Would it be the same decision if you were well rested? would it feel like a better decision? one you didn’t have to micro-manage?

Rest is important- how does it add or take-away from your wellness though? - As it happens research suggests that rest reduces stress which helps keeps your immune system functioning well. This is important if you work with people in closed spaces, low immunity means more spread of viral illnesses! Regular breaks throughout the day can be especially helpful here- where possible don't focus on timing the rest, focus on the quality of it. See here for academic research

  • Our brains need R&R just like our other muscles. Regular breaks from concentration will help improve focus and decision making.

  • Developing simple routines through the day to have 5 mins of recovery can reap so many benefits so science tells us, and this is easy to test and free, all it needs is encouragement and time.

  • Can you think of ways to get those few minutes in regularly? Can you think of some of the benefits this may give you?

  • Do you work in HR? What do you think you could do to help your colleagues feel safe to take regular 'brain' breaks to enhance both their well-being and performance?

Nutrition- Skipping or rushing meals - not staying hydrated not only makes you feel unwell it affects your capacity to handle stress. Now the odd occasion things happen, we get caught out, but if this is/or becoming your norm you could be setting yourself or an environment up to nurture issues. Our e-book Food Made Easy can support individuals to coach themselves in food nutrition. Food and our approach to it matters, and whilst it is personal choice whether or not we diet, follow restrictive protocols or the latest fad, our appetite or lack of it and how we feed it affects our sleep, performance and judgement.

  • Having appropriate information and support for your employees could be useful thing to include within an EAP as an inexpensive preventitive measure that saves you long-term as well.

Hunger, mal-nutrition and mental health go hand-in-hand. Diets and restrictive eating patterns can lead to mental health issues including not dealing with stress, not sleeping, fatigue and chronic health problems. Genetics plays a part but so does environment and how we go about meeting our basic needs. Access to good information and building healthy boundaries and cultures helps, these are all ways of communicating to your employees that they matter to you as humans as well as skilled workers, without you having to make too much effort!

art of a healthy and productive workplace culture or any culture is a healthy attitude toward meal times. Meal times are important for providing energy, reducing stress, supporting sleep and decision making, impacting the way we communicate. They can also support team-bonding!

Here’s a few general tips to improve workplace culture:

  • Encourage movement - just walking a bit more, a bit more time away from the desk to prevent fatigue and invigorate the body.

  • Find out what people enjoy doing- ensure they have time for that.

  • If a member of your team is struggling don't make assumptions, ask if they want need support, be genuine connection builds trusts, fake connection destroys it.

Feeling clean and having a sense of identity, affects the way we behave, feel and think.

If you consider someone in a uniformed job, the 'ritual' as-it-were of putting on a uniform for work will affect their mindset.
For non-uniformed workers the work wardrobe will affect how you think and feel and how others perceive you.
For those who wear what they like, you create an identity of who you are and how others will see you. Knowingly or otherwise.
Personal hygiene has an affect here too- consider how you treat someone in a uniformed role vs non-uniformed role. Consider how people may treat you differently dependent on your hygiene and clothes.

A sense of shelter and safety will impact our thoughts and behaviours. "The empirical results reveal that strategic decision-making abilities are affected by five factors: attention, memory, thinking, emotion, and sentiment, and whose influence mechanisms and degrees are varied." 31 Oct 2022 NIH PMCID: PMC9662586 PMID: 36389590

For people on minimum wage who may feel like they are fighting to survive daily may feel emotional stress much easier than people in more senior roles and higher-paying roles. "Just under 30% of those aged 40 and under said they were living pay cheque to pay cheque, which fell to 26% for those over 40 and 16% for those aged 60 and above. Older adults may be less likely to have dependent children and more likely to have paid off their mortgage." taken form the Independent November 2023

A good way to start your personal journey into health or to get back on track is to take stock of where you are and use that as a marker to develop a routine that both suits you and gets you heading in the right direction without turning your life upside down. If you have a position in work where you are managing, leading or developing people and their careers support here would be a great investment for both yourself and the team. Join us st the end of the month on our introductory workshop to discover more.

You can get a free copy of our well-being audit on our free resources page we also made a couple of short books to help you get started with meal planning and incorporating daily habits to help you reduce stress and stay mindful with confidence these are available in our shop here

We are on YouTube! For our business related content visit here

I hope you enjoyed this article and took some useable knowledge from it to help you understand your biology and meet your needs in relation to your goals. Please leave a comment, press the heart button and share it to help more people take control of their health, well-being and fitness.


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Diet and Behaviour

Meal times are important as they fuel our energy, help us to manage our stress, allow us social time which allows for relationship building and establishing trust as well confidence, support our sleep and decision making and impact greatly the way we communicate.

Culture is set by habits and beliefs, these habits and beliefs are reflected in behaviour, decision making and communication further compounding the habit and belief cycle.

Does diet affect wellbeing and behaviour?

Your Food, Mood, Behaviour are Linked

Part of a healthy and productive work culture or any culture is a healthy attitude toward food and breaks.

Meal times are important as they fuel our energy, help us to manage our stress, allow us social time with team members allowing for relationship building and establishing trust as well confidence, support our sleep and decision making and impact greatly the way we communicate.

Culture is set by habits and beliefs, these habits and beliefs are reflected in behaviour, decision making and communication further compounding the habit and belief cycle.

Our beliefs and habits around food and nutrition fuel our behaviour which impacts how we think, feel and communicate. People who sell diets often create a culture around their idea which people buy into with a belief before acting upon and buying into that through behaviour. This impacts thought and habit and the way that person sees things outside that diet culture now that they have a found a culture they have emotionally bought into. This is a high steaks investment- when challenged may result in defensive behaviours, because people do not feel safe in confronting their belief system in a negative way. Or more simply put- they are scared that they may have been wrong which can have disastrous mental health consequences leading people to lose trust and confidence in themselves and the world around them.

Diets that lead to mood dysregulation but result in weight loss are a good example of a bought in belief system for good reason that when challenged holds a lot of fear and insecurity.

This is the same when we trade meal times for busyness reasoning that it’s ok for whatever reason one can make up in their head, weight loss, usually being the more common one.

If this becomes the belief system that forms a habit and becomes a cultural behaviour then a business could end up with a workplace full of people using passive-aggressive communications which fester into overall well-being and people taking time off, needing mediation and potential high staff turnover costing a business a lot more than an investment in a functional and human approach to employees being able to meet their basic needs. Meal skipping will affect energy, stress, mood regulation, sleep, and eventually overall personal health.

The minimum intervention requirement here would be a properly facilitated lunch break away from the working desk. Going to extra mile to facilitate this as a cultural wellbeing and employee appreciation exercise would be to include proper lunch time facilities and break schedules allowing for a social aspect around meal times for daily team bonding- relationship building, lowering staff turnover all saving a business thousands in revenue with very little, if any upfront investment.

If you want to go the extra mile to facilitate this in your workplace get in touch and we can help you build a healthy inclusive nutrition-driven meal and break time strategy to help you and your employee’s build a lasting productive work environment.

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Psychometric Testing Relevant?

TPsychometric testing is a way of profiling behavioural traits to attempt to identify personality types. There are many psychometric testing modalities available, many of them are free. Psychometric testing is used in workplaces to help employers understand how to leverage employee talent and build a mutually rewarding relationship between employer and employee.

Is psychometric testing outdated?

Is psychometric testing relevant?

Psychometric testing is a way of profiling behavioural traits to attempt to identify personality types. There are many psychometric testing modalities available, many of them are free. Psychometric testing is used in workplaces to help employers understand how to leverage employee talent and build a mutually rewarding relationship between employer and employee.

Is it useful?

In my experience the perception around psychometric testing outside of Human Resources (HR) or People & Culture (P&C) is tenuous and testing is only really effective if taken when a person is not stressed or feeling pressure.

Maslow’s hierarchy and research would argue that mood, behaviour and current influences change answers on tests which impacts the results in outcome that may feel inaccurate. Add to this that people answer questions based on perceived expectation of a workplace, or personal desired outcome rather than being honest- this is more often than not done for personal safety reasons. The issue of psychological safety is a predictor here.

When an employee does not feel safe in their workplace (safety being a fundamental need) they will do what it takes to protect other aspects of their well-being.

For workplaces where psychological safety feel compromised for a person then psychometric testing would not be useful, lack of trust and relationship could potentially be amplified, there may be work to do before psychometric testing becomes a viable tool. For workplaces that do feel psychologically safe psychometric testing could amplify a sense of wellbeing enhancing trust and commitment to a brand/cause/team, this is only valid when a full de-brief is offered and regular follow up’s are done. This could then be used as an ongoing tool to guide supervisions, personal development reviews, career pathways, ongoing trainings and even influence how mandatory trainings are delivered.

Psychometric Testing Pinterest Article

My experience as a coach

My clients over the years have had very underwhelming results, feeling like the outcome of the very generalised tests are not reflective of who they think they are. On a whole the clients I have been supporting have been highly stressed which correlates with underwhelming results, though in and of itself may not be the cause, the jury is out here.

Looking at personality profiling through psychometric testing as an 8-year professional interest project has taught me a lot about stress and it’s relation to our behaviour, responses, and habits both personally and professionally. My focus as a personal trainer quickly developed to include nutrition and wellbeing coaching because success here has been directly correlated with professional knowledge in areas of exercise, nutrition and uncovering behavioural patterns. Combining these areas has helped build a rounded perspective on understanding how stress affects behaviour, perception of self and the attitude we have toward work, wellbeing and relationships- the core of this being the relationship we are individually committed to building within ourselves which is the essence of physical and mental fitness. Knowing yourself and having a relationship with yourself are very different things. Many people know themselves, but they don’t have a relationship to that knowledge.

To summarise- my position and current thinking here, I now focus on fundamental needs over anything else. Fundamental needs as an understanding of behaviour is about experiencing the differences between surviving (unsafety) and thriving (safety). Many of us live in, and make decisions based on survival or stress states, which may be useful for short term results but they don’t allow one to build foundations for a healthy future. We know this as the rise of auto-immune, non-communicable & chronic diseases can be attributed to chronic stress as well as genetics. When building healthy working communities in work or locally the same applies.

Psychometric tests can help build a healthy working culture and local communities, but they need to be taken from a perspective of getting to know you and a build a boundried safe relationship rather than a position of judgement, which many people will still do to themselves.

Book onto the Monthly Leadership & Wellbeing Workshop

I hope you enjoyed this article and took some useable knowledge from it to help you understand your biology and meet your needs in relation to your goals. Please leave a comment, press the heart button and share it to help more people take control of their health, well-being and fitness.


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What is Stress?

If we look at an elastic band for example; until it’s pulled taught there is no tension, once tension is applied it can be defined as stressed! This is simplistic - in human terms stress can be defined as an event, circumstance, thought that causes us to feel tense which can also be described as anxiety, depression, anguish, excitement, longing, apprehension it can take many forms, some are described as good and others as bad. Stress causes a reaction, when there is no perceived action/reaction to take then depressive or anxious stress due to not being able to change an event, circumstance, situation can become a mood, habit or part of the personality.

Stress is tension…

If we look at an elastic band for example; until it’s pulled taught there is no tension, once tension is applied it can be defined as stressed! This is simplistic - in human terms stress can be defined as an event, circumstance, thought that causes us to feel tense which can also be described as anxiety, depression, anguish, excitement, longing, apprehension it can take many forms, some are described as good and others as bad. Stress causes a reaction, when there is no perceived action/reaction to take then depressive or anxious stress due to not being able to change an event, circumstance, situation can become a mood, habit or part of the personality.

Circumstantial Stress 

This is stress caused by something within a circumstance not meeting a fundamental need (see meeting needs article) this can be immediate, short-term, medium-term or long-term (chronic) for example,

Intense: Not having enough income/ unsuitable accommodation/ poor food habits (circumstantial/compromised sanitary situation/ lack of physical movement / no connection or community/ loneliness/ isolation can be immediate, short-term or chronic. This affects our behaviour, personality, health and well-being, communication and relationships over chronic periods, in medium periods this will be temporary, the longer the struggle the deeper the change. he less we have control over external parameters the more exhausting this gets. This stress takes us to living in stress response it’s this physiological response that changes our health and behaviour.

Event Stress

Event stress is usually immediate or short-term this can be a temporary traumatic or excited state. They feel very different which is why we label good and bad stress. Traumatic stress will physiologically impact our sympathetic nervous system as a danger warning letting us know whether to fight, flee, fawn, freeze in order to re-gain control or safety.

Excited stress will feel safe, may have apprehension but it generally wanted or feels good and doesn't require a parasympathetic response to return to safety.

Can Stress Be A Habit?

If we look at circumstantial stress we can see that while stress is not the habit, it can cause us to look for habits to help us manage the stress we face, stress is therefore not a habit but a potential cause for habits. When we look for coping mechanism or strategies we are looking to manage stress through habit. Stress both good and bad can be overwhelming is believed to have addictive qualities and is something we generally look to reduce. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have any stress however. Stress is known to build resilience that comes from testing resources and engaging in problem solving activities which help us prepare for real-life events. It is important to note however when resources are low and options are limited no amount of problem-solving skills will change that. We are community beings and without even a small community where we can build trust and relationships we are susceptible to overwhelming stress.

`No man is an island`

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of they friends`s or of thine own were.

Any man`s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne (1572 - 1631)

Managing Stress

Managing stress can look very different for us all there is no on fixed route to managing stress. What worked for you once may not work for you again or ay work for you forever but never work for a friend. When it comes to solutions it’s a good idea to explore options, choose a couple that sit well with you and try them for a realistic period to see if they are effective.

Because stress is a physiological response finding management habits that help you negate that knee-jerk, immediate threat can be very useful in the moment but you may find over periods of time relatively ineffective, so choosing management strategies that deal with different stress responses can be useful.

But I have to say this is a lot of work and can feel overwhelming on top of the stress you are already feeling - take it easy and approach management form a place of calm. Embrace Life UK has a board on Pinterest we are building to help support people in their well-being it’s free so need to add more financial stress if for you this is a thing.

If financial stress is not a thing we have an e-book available to download from our shop for £9.99 to help you get started and keep a point of reference, we appreciate your support it helps us to keep on researching and creating content to support both those who are financially well off and those who aren’t. Well-being is about more than income, but income helps to stabilise most people enough to be able to re-gain balance in other areas.

I hope you enjoyed this article and took some useable knowledge from it to help you understand your biology and meet your needs in relation to your goals. Please leave a comment, press the heart button and share it to help more people take control of their health, well-being and fitness.


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Improving Business With Conscious Processes

Conscious business practices are rooted in human psychology. They take into account that people want to feel safe and supported. They want to have a voice and be heard. They wanted to be treated with care and be able to trust the people around them. Businesses that take on board conscious practices integrate an awareness of this into their strategies and practices. When you decide to become a conscious business, the starting point is your company purpose. You need to ensure your company purpose is well-defined. It determines the direction your business is heading in and guides both the company’s strategies and your employee’s decisions and actions

Conscious Business Practice

Conscious Processes

The business world has a reputation for being cold and calculating. Many businesses still buy in to the old adage that profit is the priority. But there’s a different way to operate that instead puts the focus on people and the planet. It ensures employees are happy and fulfilled and the business has efficient and sustainable working practices. And incidentally, this approach to business will add to your bottom line too.

Human Aspect

Conscious business practices are rooted in human psychology. They take into account that people want to feel safe and supported. They want to have a voice and be heard. They wanted to be treated with care and be able to trust the people around them. Businesses that take on board conscious practices integrate an awareness of this into their strategies and practices. When you decide to become a conscious business, the starting point is your company purpose. You need to ensure your company purpose is well-defined. It determines the direction your business is heading in and guides both the company’s strategies and your employee’s decisions and actions. A well devised purpose will inspire your employees and customers, whilst attracting new talent to your business.

Business Operations

Next, consider having one document that outlines the expected behaviours in your business, such as a Code of Ethics. It can also incorporate your company’s values, a set of core standards for your business. This document will ensure that all employees are clear on the company’s guiding principles and can be directed by them in their day-to-day interactions and when faced with challenges. The documented behaviours will foster an environment of trust and integrity.

When you first write your Code of Ethics, you can research what others in your industry are putting in place in terms of expected behaviours and values. However, although you’re obtaining ideas from others, make your behaviours unique to your company. Use terminology that expresses who your company is and what it stands for. It’s also essential to obtain the contribution of your employees when writing this, so they feel aligned to the behaviours and values, and are fully committed. Involving your employees isn’t just limited to your Code of Ethics. Create governance practices that involve employees in all key decisions in your company, from ways of working to new products. Ensure employees are both given opportunities to express their ideas and viewpoints, and take action based on these, so each and every employee feels like they’re an important part of the company. Just as you’re building stronger relationships with your employees, do the same with your customers. Take the time to get to know their wants and needs, and find new, better ways to meet these. A social sustainability action plan can be created to continually improve on your company’s relationships and people’s quality of life, encompassing employees, customers, suppliers and the local community.

Environmental Considerations

Environmental sustainability is another area to consider. There is an increasing focus on the environment as people realise the predicament the planet is in as a result of human action. There is an expectation for businesses to play their part in meeting global carbon emission targets, with both employees and customers being drawn to companies with a strong environmental agenda. Planning ways to reduce energy usage and negate carbon emissions is fast becoming essential for businesses. Operating your business with an awareness of people and the planet is therefore a key part of becoming a successful business in today’s world. The suggestions provided here serve as an introduction to conscious business practices. They are a great starting point to develop an ethical and sustainable business that you can continue to build upon.

Article Written by Lucy Spencer from Conscious Business Solutions - Find out more about Lucy

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How To Meet Your Needs

Meeting our needs is something most therapeutic treatments are designed around &, it is also a practice that is being shared more openly through coaching & well-being services, this is great news for all of us. (Remember seeing a licenced therapist is advisable where difficult emotions arise)

Maslows Hierarchy of needs

We all have the same needs

Meeting our needs is something most therapeutic treatments are designed around &, it is also a practice that is being shared more openly through coaching & well-being services, this is great news for all of us. (Remember seeing a licenced therapist is advisable where difficult emotions arise)

We all have the same needs, the thing that sets us apart is what need we need to meet at any given moment & how we feel that need is met. We are fundamentally all the same, our circumstance & experience in how our needs are met from birth, coupled with our response is what makes us look & feel very different. Our nurture or lack of affects us profoundly, this gives us the essence of our uniqueness, creativity, & personality.

This is great news as it means we can learn to identify our needs and match it with our behaviour & go on to experience things whilst learning to change our external response/reaction if we choose to. This allows us to have control, take new perspectives & identify true connection from superficial connection. We can see in ourselves & our loved ones, peers, friends, acquaintances, what need is not being met & how to help or when to back off. Working on ourselves does not give us the freedom to assess others. Freedom of choice even in accepting information is not a liberty we should forget.

Our needs being met can help us realise our potential, some clever psychologists, along with the logging of ancient tribal practices has given us a clear blue print of what these look like & what tier they fall under. This is something I find very exciting, learning this has certainly been liberating for me, providing me a blueprint for personal & professional development. This is the very essence of the work I share.

Whether we look at modern psychology through the lens of Human Givens or through the lens of Jung, Freud, Maslow &others or Ancient wisdoms like Yogic & spiritual practices (understanding energy systems through chakras), they all draw the similar conclusions! so maybe there are great lessons to learn here for all of us spiritual or not, beware no one person has all the answers to humanity! These lessons we can navigate from whatever modality suits us best, what we feel attuned to. This allows us to journey through life feeling guided but free, we can blaze our own trail or we can lean into a path that’s been opened up by predecessors to make additions & updates to those.

What are our needs?

What are our needs?

Our needs are listed on the tiers of each modality as shown on the images. Start with the basics, lower two tiers, then link them up as you go.

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy lists - Physiological needs as fundamental needs.

  • Human Givens lists (modern psychology): Security, Safety, Meaning & Purpose, Intimacy, Privacy, Control, Community, Achievement, Status, Attention as needs

Meeting your fundamental needs consistently with confidence allows you to level up, in my opinion by highlighting your values which will show your boundaries and allow you to navigate personal growth by creating your own map as you go, this will also highlight where you may need specialised help like that of a licenced therapist.

Discovering your needs

Take 5 minutes to contemplate your fundamental / survival needs: Food, Water, Shelter, Rest, Sleep, Privacy & Safety, Control & Achievement.

Take a moment to understand how it feels when you are in a position of always needing to look out for the reliability of their existence.

Ask yourself, are you fuelling yourself for the things you want to achieve? Do you feel secure in your surroundings? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you feel like you can level up? Are safety & privacy an issue? do you have space to be you? can you be with just you alone and feel good?

The emotions that come up here are useful to list and create your personal values list from. You may end up with many words, see if you can condense them into 3-5 words that highlight the attributes that make relationships easier for you to understand and set boundaries around.

In workplace leadership and development take it another step further and consider the musings below

How do these questions make you feel?

Can you fully concentrate on developing, connecting, or taking orders from someone who’s immediate attention is not helping you to meet your needs but demanding on you to meet theirs?

If you have staff in your charge are you really connected & on the same page, or are you barking orders because someone is barking orders at you? This can apply in others areas of your life too and show up through learned behaviours, these are the behaviours that groups of people i.e families have in common that we take on unconsciously.

How does that feel?

The practice of leadership, managing, mentoring or service is not based on what you want, it’s based on how you can influence the actions of others & convince them that your interests align.

e.g you have a deadline to meet, you are telling your team & manging their work priorities based on that deadline, but their priority is not the deadline, but on making sure their child is home safe, counting the income to manage the bills, just making it through another day. How do you cross that bridge & make their priorities & yours align?

e.g my priority is to share teachings around the fundamentals of wellbeing to empower those who want to feel success, connection, & have personal health whilst claiming personal & professional achievement knowing that this contribution is not only one that feels good but also rewards financially & adds to growth and happiness. My clients priority in the main is to ensure boxes are ticked & profit is made. I make this align by showing the link between profit & human wellbeing.

Having empathy for others is a great place to develop yourself & someone else from, people have to trust you before they will work for or with you. Trusting you means they are trusting that their need is met by doing so. The best place to practice these skills is with yourself first. It is really important for survival & happiness that each one of us learns how to meet our needs ourselves, then help others achieve the same, this allows connection to self & makes for better connection to others.


The struggle of the worker is to be able to trust in consistently meeting their fundamental needs, not looking to compromise them in order to move on. Many people are focused only making ends meet daily.

The struggle of the manager/boss is to get people collaborating & working as unit toward a specific goal without distraction to enable the best possible outcomes to keep business profitable, staff are human investments. People looking to level up are forgetting what it’s like on the level below, this breaks connection. Empathy creates connection.

If either of those players are struggling in the fundamental needs department conflict will happen, problems arise, empathy & trust are broken, people get hurt. Losing trust is a easier than gaining it, gaining trust is done through the habit of communication, & empathy. It’s not achieved overnight, reputation matters.

Take a list of the needs & measure your team against them, see how that stacks up, become aware of how that knowledge makes you feel! take the time to contemplate where you are, where you want to be & what opportunities you have to close that gap.

Find out more about personal development coaching here. Join my workshop at the end of the month to take a further look into leadership & wellbeing you can do here. Learn more about workplace wellbeing & the longer more intimate workshops I do here.

I hope you enjoyed this article and took some useable knowledge from it to help you understand your biology and meet your needs in relation to your goals. Please leave a comment, press the heart button and share it to help more people take control of their health, well-being and fitness.


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