Improving Business With Conscious Processes

Conscious Business Practice

Conscious Processes

The business world has a reputation for being cold and calculating. Many businesses still buy in to the old adage that profit is the priority. But there’s a different way to operate that instead puts the focus on people and the planet. It ensures employees are happy and fulfilled and the business has efficient and sustainable working practices. And incidentally, this approach to business will add to your bottom line too.

Human Aspect

Conscious business practices are rooted in human psychology. They take into account that people want to feel safe and supported. They want to have a voice and be heard. They wanted to be treated with care and be able to trust the people around them. Businesses that take on board conscious practices integrate an awareness of this into their strategies and practices. When you decide to become a conscious business, the starting point is your company purpose. You need to ensure your company purpose is well-defined. It determines the direction your business is heading in and guides both the company’s strategies and your employee’s decisions and actions. A well devised purpose will inspire your employees and customers, whilst attracting new talent to your business.

Business Operations

Next, consider having one document that outlines the expected behaviours in your business, such as a Code of Ethics. It can also incorporate your company’s values, a set of core standards for your business. This document will ensure that all employees are clear on the company’s guiding principles and can be directed by them in their day-to-day interactions and when faced with challenges. The documented behaviours will foster an environment of trust and integrity.

When you first write your Code of Ethics, you can research what others in your industry are putting in place in terms of expected behaviours and values. However, although you’re obtaining ideas from others, make your behaviours unique to your company. Use terminology that expresses who your company is and what it stands for. It’s also essential to obtain the contribution of your employees when writing this, so they feel aligned to the behaviours and values, and are fully committed. Involving your employees isn’t just limited to your Code of Ethics. Create governance practices that involve employees in all key decisions in your company, from ways of working to new products. Ensure employees are both given opportunities to express their ideas and viewpoints, and take action based on these, so each and every employee feels like they’re an important part of the company. Just as you’re building stronger relationships with your employees, do the same with your customers. Take the time to get to know their wants and needs, and find new, better ways to meet these. A social sustainability action plan can be created to continually improve on your company’s relationships and people’s quality of life, encompassing employees, customers, suppliers and the local community.

Environmental Considerations

Environmental sustainability is another area to consider. There is an increasing focus on the environment as people realise the predicament the planet is in as a result of human action. There is an expectation for businesses to play their part in meeting global carbon emission targets, with both employees and customers being drawn to companies with a strong environmental agenda. Planning ways to reduce energy usage and negate carbon emissions is fast becoming essential for businesses. Operating your business with an awareness of people and the planet is therefore a key part of becoming a successful business in today’s world. The suggestions provided here serve as an introduction to conscious business practices. They are a great starting point to develop an ethical and sustainable business that you can continue to build upon.

Article Written by Lucy Spencer from Conscious Business Solutions - Find out more about Lucy

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